Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas and more!!

It's been so long since I've blogged! I'll try to backtrack a little bit :) We spent Thanksgiving in Seattle with Alax's parents and it was so fun!  We got to spend a week there and it was fun for Marlee to play with cousins, and for Luke to meet everyone! Alax and I got to go on a well overdue date night while his parents watched the kids too! We spent time doing some shopping, riding some ferry's, doing some touristy things and eating some yummy food. We can't wait to visit again, hopefully when it's a little warmer!
After our Thanksgiving trip, my parents came for a visit for a couple days! It was SO cold while they were here! We did some Christmas shopping, and we went to see Frozen. SUCH a cute movie!
We stayed home for Christmas this year and Alax's parents joined us! The kids have loved having so many people around lately!

Marlee and Luke got to see Santa while we were in Seattle!

Luke didn't care much for opening presents, but he sure loved chewing on anything he could get his hands on!

 Marlee got a new bike from Santa!

Marlee and Luke get along really well, and it's been fun watching them interact now that Luke can do more things.

Luke has pretty much mastered sitting up on his own! He falls over when he gets tired, but I can't believe ho fast he's growing up!

This Monday, Luke gets a helmet. I feel so bad that he has to have one! He has positional Plagiocephaly.  A fancy word for a flat head :) He favored a side when turning his head to sleep which caused his head to be bigger on one side. Most likely he'll wear it for 2-4 months and hopefully it will round it out a little bit. In more severe cases, it can actually cause a baby's face to become a little asymmetrical. Luckily that's not the case for Luke. 

Here he is getting measured for his helmet. They put this white sock on his head and used a laser to scan his head. It then put up a three dimensional picture of his head on the computer so they could get precise measurements. It was actually a really cool process! 

I keep trying to get a good picture of his head for a good before picture, but it's hard to get a good angle with a wiggly 6 month old :) The left side of his head is the part that is bigger. ,

 This is probably the best picture I have.

 Anyway, that is what's been going on in our world lately! Stay tuned for updates on Luke's noggin :)

1 comment:

  1. awwwww, i'm loving these photos of luke! especially the one with his stocking, he's such a happy boy! he's pretty cute in his sock hat, too. :) my niece wore a helmet, and she was adorable.

    happy 2014 to your little family! i think this is the year we adventure together!
