Wednesday, May 23, 2012


We've been dying to go camping lately, and now that the weather is getting warmer, we decided that now is the time!! We left last Saturday morning and came back Sunday before church started. It was so nice to get away and spend some time outside as a family.

our campsite

Marlee loved throwing rocks into the creek!

 Doesn't our tent look comfy?? That's what I thought too until I got in :) We need to invest in some nice sleeping pads! Marlee slept like a rock, and Alax and I slept ON rocks. 

Alax made a swing for Marlee, and she LOVED it!

 Marlee and I hung out in the tent while Alax went and got some firewood. We rolled around on the blankets and ate Cheetos :)

Watching something on the phone

So much fun!!!! I love my little family!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Potty Training

I've been bad at updating!! We've been up to a lot this past month, one big thing we accomplished was potty training!!! Marlee had been interested in going potty for a long time, so I figured I would go for it!!

We went to the store and Marlee picked out some underwear (not panties. I despise that word...). She loved them :)

I put blankets out for when she had accidents. We sat and played and had snacks.

I tried to get her to stay in the one area where the blankets were, but she HATED being confined to one the end of the first day she had about 9 accidents and this was how I was feeling..

By the second day I had decided to let her play as usual and remind her every 15-20 minutes to go in and try to go potty. It worked MUCH better, and she and I were more relaxed and happy.  We even played outside in between potty breaks.

By day 4 she was accident free, and has done really well since! She has accidents every now and again, but I think it's been worth getting rid of the diapers.

One of my favorite things about potty training is that every time I wipe her little bum she kisses me on the top of my head. Best. Payment. Ever :)